India Day & Symposium
The Ayurveda Academy of Yoga in Daily Life was represented through the scientific director Prof. Dr. S.P. Sardeshmukh and his son Dr. Sushrut Sardeshmukh. They were keynote speakers at the India Day and Symposium -titled Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditation for active and healthy aging at Graz, Austria from 25-27 September, 2018.
The programme was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Ayush and the Medical University of Graz. Doctors, Researchers, scholars, experts from many countries like India, Austria, UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Surinam, Italy, Guyana, USA, France, Netherlands participated in the Symposium.
25‐27 September 2018, TUMMELPLATZ, GRAZ
Organized by Embassy of India, Vienna Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi, India Medical University of Graz
Invited Dignitaries
Ambassador of India to Austria, HE Ms. Renu Pall
Medical University of Graz, Vice Rector of Research Maga Caroline Schober‐Trummler Representative of Ministry of AYUSH
LAbg Assoz. Prof. in PD Maga Drin Sandra Holasek, Land Steiermark
DI Dr. Johann Harer, CEO, Human Technology Styria
DI Herbert Paierl, Wellness‐ & Ayurvedahotel, Bad Waltersdorf
Invited Speakers
Dr. Rainer Picha, Int. Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation, Austria, Netherlands
Prof Ludvik Toplak, Alma Mater Europea, Slovenia
Mr. Lothar Pirc, Bad Ems Ayurveda, Germany
Dr. Pooja Sabharwal, CBPACS, Govt of India, Ayurveda researcher, India
Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger, General Practitioner, Austria
Dr. Sadanand Prabhakar Sardeshmukh, Director, Atharva‐Ayurved Pune, India
Dr. Anirudha Joshi, Atreya Innovations, India
Prof. Tomaž Klojčnik, Alma Mater Europea, Slovenia
Dr. Bernd Hadisch, Preventive Medicine Practitioner, Austria
Dr. Amrika Anroedh, Ayurvedic Health Consultancy, Surinam
Dr. Sushrut Sardeshmukh, Atharva‐Ayurved, Pune, India
Mag. Daniella Kolleger, Propraxis GmbH, Intergrative education for healthcare, Austria
Dr. Sebastian Mathew, Ayurveda Praxis, Austria
Dr. Dejan Dinevski, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Maximilian Moser, Medical Univ of Graz, Austria
Dr. Ajit Mandlecha, Ayurveda Practitioner, India
Ms. Maria Sintschnig, Managing Director CITY YOGA Graz, Austria
Prof. Regina Roller Wirnsberger, Geriatrician, Medical Univ. of Graz, Austria
Prof. Naim‐Akhtar Khan, Research Professor, Dijon, France
Prof. Omar Šerý, Research Professor, Brno, Czech Republic
Prof. Frank Madeo, Molecular Biosciences, Univ of Graz, Austria
Prof. Alexander Chouker, University of Munich, Germany
Prof. Vincenzo Valenzi, Interuniversity Center of Research for Sustainable Development, Italy Dr Sudhir Bagga, Science of Life, USA
Dr. Madan Thangavelu, Expert Scientist, Cambridge, UK